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Tim Holman to Present CLE on “Giving Families Legal Authority to Care for Incapacitated Loved Ones”
June 1, 2019On Tuesday, June 4, 2019, Tim Holman, along with Kathy Ochroch, Esquire, of Blank Rome, will present a free Guardianship Training Program (for lawyers) on behalf of the Philadelphia Volunteers for the Indigent Program (“VIP”), The program, titled “Giving Families Legal Authority to Care for Incapacitated Loved Ones” will feature a discussion of Philadelphia’s new rules and procedures related to guardianship matters, and will provide guidance about the “nuts and bolts” of guardianship practice. The course materials include useful forms for guardianship matters (including a form Guardianship Petition). Kathy and Tim will also discuss the benefits of and resources available to lawyers who handle guardianship matters for VIP clients. The program will run from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. at Blank Rome, One Logan Square, 130 North 18th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Attendees will receive two substantive CLE credits if they take a VIP case within six months of the program. Please join us for an educational program about rewarding work. You can sign up for this free course by following this link: