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Smith Kane Holman Victory Published By The Fiduciary Reporter
April 9, 2015The Fiduciary Reporter published Rubenstein Estate, 5 Fiduc. Rep. 3d 52 (O.C. Div. Phila.) in its recently issued February 2015 edition. In Rubenstein Estate, the Honorable John W. Herron of the Orphans’ Court Division of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, sustained the claim of Smith Kane Holman client, Dorothy Martin, who asserted a claim against Rose Rubenstein’s (“Decedent”) Estate for the value of care management services she provided to Decedent during her lifetime.
To read the Rubenstein Estate opinion, which discussed interesting issues about post-death claims against estates for pre-death services, click on the link below:
Tim Holman also wrote a blog post about the Dead Man’s Rule issues presented by the Rubenstein Estate matter, which you can read by clicking on the following link: